How to Rename Facebook Page Vanity URL [Quicktip]

Have you ever created a Facebook Page but found it necessary to change the page name after? Well, you are not alone, in fact many businesses face the same situation in the midst of figuring out the best name to put on their Facebook Page.

Facebook Page Name

If you do not already know, Facebook Pages only allow name changes to be made to your Facebook page as long your fans or ‘number of likes’ is not more than 100. The general idea is that on the 101st Like onwards, no more name changes are allowed, no matter how big a spelling error you have made on your Facebook Page name.

However all is not lost. There’s a chance for you to change your Facebook Page name even with more than 100 Likes to your page, but it’s subjected to Facebook’s approval.

Renaming Facebook Page (with less than 100 likes)

Since the FB Timeline for Pages was only launched recently, some of you may still be using the old Facebook Page for your businesses. Therefore in this tutorial, we will guide you on how to rename your Facebook Page in both classic Facebook Page as well as the new FB Timeline for Pages.

  1. If you are still using the classic Facebook Page, go to your Facebook Page and click on ‘Edit Page’.

    Edit Page

  2. If your Page is on Timeline, go to your Page and click on the button ‘Admin Panel’.

    Timeline Page Admin Panel

    Then click on ‘Manage’ and go to ‘Edit Page’.

    edit page timeline

Now on the left menu, go to ‘Basic Information’.

Basic Information

When you are already in the Page, look for ‘Name’ and change the existing Page name with your preferred new name. Click ‘Save’ and that’s it.

Facebook Page rename

Renaming Facebook Page (with more than 100 likes)

For whatever the reason you may need to change your Facebook Page, but find it unable to do so since you have amassed more than 100 Likes. Head over to this link and fill up the form. Fill up the ‘Current Page name’, ‘Desired Page name’ and provide the ‘Link to Page’ of your current Facebook Page.

On the dropdown menu, please select the best reason why you want to change the Page name. Click on the ‘Send’ button to submit to Facebook.

rename page with more likes

Take note that there is no promise that Facebook will immediately make the changes for you, but logically, provided that you gave them a valid enough reason for the changes to be made, Facebook will make the change.


Changing your Facebook Page name is not as hard as you may think, but please also be reminded that the ease of it all is only applicable to pages with not more than 100 Likes. When you have reached 101 likes on your Facebook Page, the changing of the page name will require approval from Facebook. When all else fails, you may need to sacrifice this page and create a new Page.

What is your experience in renaming the Facebook Page? Have you tried submitting the form before?


A week after we posted this article, Facebook has revised their acceptance in vanity URL change request, and now you can no longer request for a change, however, you are allowed to request to change your page name i.e. if your current page name is ‘MyWeb Technology’ and you want to change it to only ‘MyWeb’ as part of your company’s branding strategy, you may send a request.

To request for change of page name, go to your Manage > Edit Page > Basic Information page. If you have more than 100 likes, you will notice there’s a new link next to your Page name that says ‘Request Change’, click on that link.

Request Change

Now you will be redirected to the change request form, fill up the form with the current page name, desired page name and the reason why you want to change your page name.


Once the form is submitted, Facebook will send an email requesting you to provide supporting document if required.

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