Getting around in Yahoo! Axis
Yahoo had recently introduced Yahoo! Axis, the first-of-its-kind search-oriented add-on for your browser with plenty of integration between mobile, tablet and desktop for you to keep it around. We’re going to give you a quick inside look into how to get started with with.
This new approach by Yahoo, on the application platform, helps users experience a new kind of search facility without having to visit any search engine website first. With Chrome you can always do a search by simply opening a new tab and directly typing any query into the address bar, but with Yahoo, well, the results are displayed in a much different way. Let’s take a look at the new Yahoo! Axis.
Yahoo! Axis on Browsers
In this post, we’re taking Chrome as an example on how to integrate Yahoo! Axis with existing browsers. To start using Yahoo! Axis on Chrome, download the Chrome add-on from the official page.
When installation is complete, you will see a small search bar placed like a bullet at the bottom left corner of your browser carrying two icons, namely the Bookmark (star icon) and Home.
Hovering over this search bar will expand its section to the whole bottom part of your browser. Click it to expand it. All your search results within Yahoo! Axis will appear in thumbnails right from the Axis bar itself.
Click open any result from the thumbnail, and you will notice navigation arrows appear to the left and right side of your browser. Clicking on the left arrow will bring you to the previous search result page, while the right arrow will take you to the next search result page.
To experience the Bookmark, log in with your Yahoo! ID (which you may have registered many years ago) by clicking on the login button available at the Axis search bar.
Now if you wish to bookmark any web page, simply click on the Star button and insert it into the folder you want to save the bookmark to.
Going Home will lead you to your bookmark page, where you will be able to reorganize your folders.
You also have another way to access your bookmark without going Home; simply click on the silver ribbon at the Axis bar.
The Bookmark panel will appear.
Yahoo! Axis on iPad
To experience Yahoo! Axis on your iPad, you can proceed to download it from iTunes.
After installation, launch the Axis app and you will first see the welcome page with a guide to help you get used to the navigation. When you do any search and access any webpage, you can always return to the search results by pulling down the screen.
Now the first thing you might want to do is to sign in to your Yahoo! ID, so click on the login button and sign in.
To continue browsing or to access any web address, you can simply use the search bar to search. The search results will appear at the top part of the browser, in the same way it appears on Chrome.
Notice there is also a Star button to bookmark your web pages like in Chrome. To access your bookmark, simply click on the silver ribbon at the top right corner of your browser.
Since you have logged in to Yahoo, you will see the bookmark you saved from your Chrome browser.
With this iOS browser, you also have the functionality of multiple tabs, but different from other browsers, the tab button is placed at the bottom of the browser. Simply click on the tab button to reveal tabs with the option to add new tabs.
The overall browsing experience with Yahoo! Axis is pretty smooth especially on iOS devices which brings new meaning to the term seamless integration. Pull and tap to get around and even when you switch to your other iOS device, you pick up where you left off. On a side note, you might find the left and right navigation button for Chrome a little annoying at times. But that’s my take, what’s yours?
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